Infosys "powered by intellect...driven by success"

Infosys is an information technology service company located in Electronic City in Bangalore. It is one of the largest IT companies in India with offices in 33 countries and development centers in India, China, Australia, UK, Canada, and Japan.
This is a very fast-paced industry with the primary competition being China, Brazil, and Russia. Infosys has a special analyst team to look forward into the future (for example: they predicted the global financial crisis). Infosys is always looking for young professional engineers because they want young and fresh minds; ready to learn with new ideas and innovation. Infosys employs approximately 120,000 people, with 97% being engineers.
The Infosys campus was unbelievable; it felt as though we were on a college campus in California. The architecture of the buildings were so unique and the video we watched on the giant flat screen television was so interesting. My jaw was dropped as I walked around and still could not believe that we just came from the streets full of cows, beggars, trash, and filth. After our morning tour, we had a great lunch at the visitors building (I would have to say one of my favorite meals that we had the entire trip).

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