Let's Celebrate Pongal

Pongal is the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu (Tamil Nadu is a southern state, which is bordered by the states of Puducherry, Kerala, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh). It’s celebrated with much enthusiasm, similar to Thanksgiving in America. Pongal is celebrated on the same dates every year, at the start of the Tamil month, Thai, and takes place from January 14-17.

Fortunately we were able to experience the first two days of Pongal during our stay in Hyderabad. Driving to a company visit one day we heard loud noises like gun shots were going off! Right away I thought some sort of fight broke out and we were in trouble. But it was actually fireworks being let off in the streets to celebrate the festival! Everywhere we went Happy Pongal and Happy Sankrant were written in beautiful bright colors on the street in front of homes and markets.

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